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Why we can't think beyond capitalism. - Neoliberalism (Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism)

Today we begin our discussion on the work of Mark Fisher surrounding his concept of Capitalism Realism. We talk about the origins of Neoliberalism, it's core strategies, some critiques of Neoliberalism, and the hyperfocus on individualism and competition that has come to define a piece of our thinking in the western world. Hope you enjoy it and have a great rest of your week.

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Hello everyone!

I'm Stephen West

Host of the Philosophize This! podcast. Join me on my quest to know more today than I did yesterday and to limit the suffering of others. My only goal in life is to make a podcast that brightens people’s lives a little bit. I want to be the notification on your phone that doesn’t induce any stress. Thank you for making that dream of mine possible.

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Why we can't think beyond capitalism. - Neoliberalism (Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism)


Today we begin our discussion on the work of Mark Fisher surrounding his concept of Capitalism Realism. We talk about the origins of Neoliberalism, it's core strategies, some critiques of Neoliberalism, and the hyperfocus on individualism and competition that has come to define a piece of our thinking in the western world. Hope you enjoy it and have a great rest of your week. Full Transcript

Resistance, Love and the importance of Failure. (Zizek, Han)


You’re not just controlled by the things you want that are attainable…and then the process of getting the things you want. structural processes dictate our fantasies as people as well…and whenever you have a fantasy about some ultimate thing you want…or some way you want the world to be in the future…if those fantasies…are things that are shaped by the dominant order of things to begin with…then the neurotic repetition you engage in while going for those fantasies…becomes something where effectively… you’re just showing up every day, carrying out somebody else’s dream. Full Transcript

The Postmodern subject and “ideology without ideology” (Zizek, Byung Chul Han)


Zizek says look, if I just say some wise sounding stuff in the right tone of voice…then all of a sudden… it passes to people as wisdom. he says watch I’ll do it, “why are we running after these miserable, earthly pleasures, the only true satisfaction is in eternity!” i say that in a certain way and it sounds like a totally wise thing to say. but now let’s say the opposite: “why…run after the specter of eternity? carpe diem! seize the day, grasp what you have here right now in this moment!” this also sounds wise! now how about the third option: why be caught in a contrast between eternity and temporary existence…true wisdom is to seek eternity in temporary earthly pleasures, this is wise. then i can say the fourth variation: we are forever condemned between these two things… a wise man accepts this…whatever i say, he says…you can sell it to people out a wisdom. isn’t it interesting that wisdom itself… can be used like that as sort of a tool. Full Transcript

A conservative communist’s take on global capitalism and desire. (Zizek, Marx, Hegel)


Zizek says if the 20th century should’ve taught us anything… it’s that launching a revolution… and then designing a society on the other side of that…is not as simple as just seizing control of the government. Full Transcript

The truth is in the process. Zizek Pt. 3 (Ideology, Dialectics)


Ideology's Function and Risks, Žižek's Critique of Ideological Frameworks, Dialectical Understanding of Reality, Necessity of Ideology in Human Experience. Full Transcript

New Atheists and cosmic purpose without God (Zizek, Goff, Nagel)


Ideologies and Their Hidden Contradictions, Limitations of Materialist Ideology, Historical Context of Ideological Shifts, Challenges to Material Reductionism. Full Transcript

The Improbable Slavoj Zizek - Pt. 1


Complexity of Zizek's Ideas, Zizek's Philosophical Influences, Ideology and Subjectivity, Analyzing Zizek's Communication Style. Full Transcript

Could Anarcho-Capitalism be the solution to our problems? - Anarchism Pt. 4 (Rothbard, Friedman, Malice)


Description of Anarcho-Capitalism, Anarchism in the Modern Context, Anarcho-Capitalism vs Anarcho-Communism, Critique of Anarcho-Capitalism. Full Transcript

Do we really need the police? - Anarchism Pt. 3 (Gelderloos, Security)


Modern Narcissism and Individualism, Anarchism as a Solution to Social Issues, Police and Conflict Resolution, Anarchist Military Strategy. Full Transcript

The main export of the western world is trash. - Anarchism Pt. 2 (Bookchin, Social Ecology)


The Historical Persistence of Anarchist Values: The episode discusses how anarchist principles such as liberty, equality, and solidarity have been a recurring theme throughout history, predating the modern understanding of anarchism. These values are seen in various historical movements and figures like Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, who, though not labeled as anarchists, embodied these principles. Full Transcript


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